Thyroid Problems?
Simple treatment you can start right now If you are suffering from weight gain, hair loss, exhaustion, depression, mental fog, constipation fibromyalgia and even heart disease, you may have a thyroid condition. Thyroid problems can be hard to diagnose initially, because routine thyroid function blood testing does not always reveal abnormal thyroid hormones until your symptoms are well established. It […]
– The Thyroid Link You complain to your doctor that you suffer from chronic widespread pain and abnormal tenderness. After much testing and no improvement from treatment, you are “fibromyalgia” for which there is no known cause or effective treatment. You try various treatments, which may include antidepressants, and painkillers. Helpful therapies are massage, chiropractic care and nutritional supplements, but […]
Manage Changeable Moods With Foods
It could make the difference Quite literally, changing your diet can change your mood. t’s fairly well known now that diet affects mood, and junk food can be the cause of depression, particularly in teenagers. Anyone who has lost weight after changing their diet, will have noticed a mood boost, which adds to the satisfaction […]
Mould could be the cause of your fatigue, headaches, rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma or neurological problems After a bout of wet weather, mould related health issues can emerge, but it takes time to connect your health problems with where you spend most of your time; at home and work. If your sinus and allergy symptoms disappear […]
Sleep – Worth its Weight in Gold
Chronic tiredness is a modern plague, with people now averaging two hours less sleep each night than they did 100 years ago, due to the increased pressures of life. Getting enough sleep when you haven’t been sleeping well, can literally be life-changing. The list of benefits is long: You feel better, look better, work better, […]
Improve Changeable Moods With Foods
Eat better = Look better, feel better Quite literally, changing your diet can change your mood. In teenagers, junk food and irregular eating can contribute to poor mood control. Anyone who has lost weight due to eating healthier food, will have noticed a mood boost, but this boost is more than gaining the satisfaction of shedding […]
Thyroid Problems?
What you can start right now. If you are suffering from weight gain, hair loss, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, mental fog, constipation, aches and pains, even fibromyalgia, you may have a thyroid condition. At this point, seeing a doctor for thyroid function tests (TFT’s) is a good idea. However, thyroid problems can be hard to diagnose at first, […]