You may have been led to believe that you are stuck with debilitating allergies for life. With the right interventions, you can minimise or recover from your allergies.

Asthma and eczema are becoming increasingly common, with Australia having one of the highest rates of asthma in the world. The World Health Organisation predicted that by 2020, fifty per cent of people in western populations will suffer from allergies. 

Allergic rhinitis, (hayfever) asthma and the sneezing, hives, swelling, redness, itching and wheezing that comes with them, is due to the immune system releasing histamine, which is why anti-histamines can be helpful in reducing symptoms.

Many allergies are triggered by foods or airborne substances. Skin prick testing for airborne allergies and blood tests for food allergies to identify all your allergens helps you to avoid your individual allergens when possible.

To manage environmental allergies, people can spend large amounts of time and money to reduce dust, mould, removing carpets, changing bedding and investing in high-tech vacuum cleaners. Some people renovate their homes, or even move house.

If If you’re tired of beating a path to the pharmacist for antihistamines, nasal sprays and cortisone, and don’t want to be stuck allergies for life, another option is to try increasing your resilience to allergens.




Avoid Chemicals

Boost Immunity

Allergies are the result of an over-sensitive immune system. These recommendations can help to balance your immune system responses to allergens.

Alkalise to Minimise Allergic Reactions


In Good News for People With Bad News there is a success story of woman who suffered from lifelong debilitating allergies and recovered after using a combination of dietary, homeopathic and NAET treatment.